Story of Yeshu

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:16

The story of Yeshu starts before he even lived on earth. It starts at the very beginning of time.


We know that Parmeshwar created all things. He created the mountains, animals, trees, water, humans, everything! But of all the things he made, there was one different and special creation. Humanity.


Humans are special because God created us in His image. Humans are not God but have been given characteristics of God. Parmeshwar has emotions, so humans have them as well. Parmeshwar has all knowledge while humans can gain knowledge. Parmeshwar is the supreme spiritual being, and humans are spiritual. Parmeshwar also made Humans special by creating us to be in perfect relationship with Him. In the beginning, humans and Parmeshwar were in perfect sambandh.


Humans were in perfect sambandh with parmeshwar until we broke a command that Parmeshwar gave to us. By breaking this command, humans disobeyed Parmeshwar. Disobeying Parmeshwar is known as paap. When we do paap, we become imperfect and bring shame to our sambandh with Parmeshwar. Now, our relationship is no longer perfect. Paap creates separation between Parmeshwar’s kingdom and humans. The reality is that all people have done paap. Whether small or big paap, all humans have a shameful and broken relationship with Parmeshwar.


Humans were created to be in perfect relationship with Parmeshwar, so we feel our separation from Him and desire to get back in perfect relationship. So humans do many things to try to fix that relationship. Some go to mandir, some go to mosque, some go to church, some give money to the poor, some try to live really moral lives, but none of these things can give us perfect relationship with Parmeshwar because we still have the shame of paap. But here comes the best part.


Parmeshwar wants humans to be in perfect relationship with Him again, so Parmeshwar sent his son Yeshu. Yeshu was Parmeshwar himself. Parmeswhar created all things through Yeshu in the beginning of time. Yeshu became human and was born as a baby like you and me. Yeshu grew up just like a normal man. The one thing that was different about him is that he never did paap. Yeshu said that even bad thoughts could be paap. So Yeshu never had an impure thought or an impure action. He lived the perfect life. The reason he was able to do that is because he is Parmeshwar, and Parmeshwar is perfect.


Yeshu went around and told people, “the kingdom of God has come near.”  He also said, “I and the Father (Parmeshwar) are one” and “No one comes to the father except through me.” He is saying that that we are called to be a part of Parmeshwar’s kingdom. If people trust on Yeshu, then they can have new relationship with Parmeshwar. He performed powerful miracles to prove that he truly was Parmeshwar. Some of His miracles were turning water into wine, casting out an army of evil spirits from a man, and giving sight to the blind. He truly did have power, but some people still did not believe that he was who he claimed to be.


Those who did not believe captured Yeshu and sentenced him to die; however, Yeshu never did anything wrong. But what they didn’t know was that this death was Yeshu’s entire purpose for coming to earth. He came so he could live a perfect life, then take on our paap and die for it. When we do paap and bring shame, the punishment is a broken relationship with Parmeswhar and death. So Yeshu didn’t deserve to die, but he was the perfect sacrifice for our paap.  Yeshu was in good standing with Parmeshwar which allowed him to take our paap and shame upon himself and die for it. To restore our honor, Yeshu died.


They laid Yeshu’s body in a cave and rolled a big stone in front of it. They placed guards outside so that people wouldn’t come take his body. But on the third day, after his death, he rose back to life. He did not take a new form, and he was not reincarnated. He was the same man, once dead but now alive again. He removed the stone in front of the cave and walked right past the guards. When his followers came to give him proper burial ceremony, they arrived to an empty cave and a spiritual being saying, “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.”


You see, Yeshu said before he died that if you tear down the temple, he would rebuild it in three days. People thought that he was talking about a building, but he was actually talking about his body. He told people this so they would know he had done exactly what he intended to. He had fulfilled his promises. He rose from the dead to prove that he has the power to defeat sin and shame. He has the power to defeat the death that we deserve because of our paap.


Yeshu said that if you trust on him, he will restore our honor and bring us back into relationship with Parmeshwar. If Yeshu is perfect, then everything he said is true. Yeshu truly has the power to bring us into relationship with Parmeshwar. He can wash us clean of our paap and shame. He can restore our honor. All we have to do is trust and believe in him, and he will bring us into his kingdom now.


If this story has moved something within you, I would encourage you to reach out to us. We would love to be able to help you process what it looks like to follow Yeshu and be a part of his Kingdom. Click the button below to to contact us or reach out through Facebook messenger through the button at the bottom right of your screen.